Friday, October 10, 2008

Counterfeit Spirituality - Part 6 - A Final Warning

This glimpse into counterfeit spirituality in Colossians chapter two leaves us with three warning's that every Christian has to beware of. It is very difficult today to warn Christians of just about anything. The typical response is, "I know what I'm doing you don't have to tell me. I won't fall for bad doctrine I know what I'm doing". The level of unteachableness is very high, usually matching the level of ignorance most people have in the scripture.
1. The first warning is that any Christian can fall into legalism and become self-righteous, joyless and judgmental. Just try telling a legalist he is one and watch the response you get. Just look at the response Jesus got for pointing out the deception the religious leaders of His day were in. Legalism is deadly and legalists will kill you if they can.
2. The second warning is that any Christian can give into mysticism and develop a proud elitist spirit that contributes nothing to true worship. Their is more spiritual hogwash in the body of Christ today than ever before. Their is an elitist spirit in the prophetic movement with every weird deal you can shake a stick at, accepted without question. Come on! When I hear preachers having their own personal angels delivering private messages and giving them spiritual gifts I want to throw up. Listen if you follow these clowns and support them financially I've got some prime swamp land you can buy.
3. The third warning is that any Christian can get into asceticism thinking it will make them more holy when actually it only feeds their flesh. Once again Christians fall for every diet, cleansing fasts, vitamins, juices, severe self denial programs which are done in the power of the flesh. Will power is not spirituality.
The answer to legalism is the continual realization of the grace of Christ. The answer to mysticism is our spiritual union with Christ. The answer to asceticism is our position in Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. There is always a tendency to move away from the cross. We need to daily:
1. Fellowship with Christ through worship, the Word and prayer.
2. Yield to the indwelling Holy Spirit. He alone gives the power we need for daily living.
3. Fellowship with other believers and contribute to the growth of the community of believers by being committed and serving in a local Church.
Ask yourself, Is Christ first place in my life? Am I drawing on His power or depending on some man-made religious substitute? Warning signs are there for a purpose, when you see one pay attention.

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