Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So often we're ignorant of the signs, the symptoms of worldliness. People can be attending church, singing the songs, apparently listening to the sermons...

But inside, that person is drifting. He sits in church but is not excited to be there. She sings songs without affection. he listens to preaching without conviction. She hears but does not apply.

A love for the world begins in the soul. It's subtle, not always immediately obvious to others, and often undetected by the people who are slowly succumbing to its lies.

It begins with a dull conscience and a listless soul. Sin does not grieve him like it once did. Passion for the Savior begins to cool. Affections dim. Excitement lessens for participating in the local church. Eagerness to evangelize starts to wane. Growth in godliness slows to a crawl. (page 20).*

Let's pray that we would not forsake our first love (Rev. 2:4).

* From Worldliness edited by C. J. Mahaney

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