Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Paid In Full

The ultimate King Jesus Christ looked down on us, not just knowing that we might cost his glory and power but that we would cost him his glory and power. And he came to earth and lived a sinless life and he died on the cross. The last thing that he said before he died was "It is finished" this is one word in the Greek, "tetelestai" and it means, paid in full, the transaction is complete, the debt is paid in full.

You have to look at what Jesus did for you; he didn't make you pay one bit of your debt. There was a debt that had to be paid and Jesus paid it in full himself. You will never be long-suffering; you will never have a forgiving spirit unless you see Christ suffering for you. You will never be able to pay down the debt for what other people have done to you unless you see him paying the infinite debt you could never pay.

You will never be able to pay all the little debts that other people owe you unless you see the infinite debt Christ paid for you. When you understand what he has done for you, you will say to yourself when someone wrongs you, "I'm almost glad for this opportunity to finally show him how much he means to me, by forgiving this that was done to me." This will change your heart and deal with your fears.

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