Friday, October 16, 2009

Pastor Benny Hinn: Charlatan or Man of God?

FoxNews asks the question. I think we all know the answer. Pastor Benny Hinn is being investigated by the Senate Finance Committee and was recently denied entry into the United Kingdom. The press has been bad, he says, because the media doesn't understand him.
But the Texas-based faith healer, whose "Holy Spirit Miracle Crusades" pack sports arenas across the United States, is fielding questions about his controversies nonetheless. He says he needs to voice his concerns over the land of his birth, Israel, and the threat to it posed by a nuclear Iran — which he talks about in his new book “Blood in the Sand.”
“[The media] are never going to paint me as I want to be painted," Hinn said in an exclusive interview. "But, really, it doesn’t matter as long as people give me the chance to talk.”
And talking he is … about the finance probe, his lavish lifestyle and accusations that his faith healings are fake because he offers no documentation or verification that he has, in fact, helped the blind see and the crippled walk.
“They question me on why I don’t verify,” Hinn says. "I answer, ‘God never called me to verify. I’m not a doctor.'”
To read the rest

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