Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Chestertonian (and Lewisian) Vision

N.D. Wilson’s The Dragon’s Tooth releases today.
Doug Wilson reflects on the central theme of all of his son’s writing:
His is an essentially Chestertonian vision. In a recent interview, he says that his point is to show that the world is “exactly as it seems.” Lest we then nod and go back to sleep, the point is that we live in an actual world that is beyond bizzaro. To follow BBC cameramen in search of insects is to descend into the world of Dr. Seuss. If you don’t think there really are creatures with Seussian pom-poms on their heads, then you obviously need to get out more. If you have the right kind of eyes, you can see it all, right here on Mulberry Street.
Chesterton put it this way. Our Father is younger than we; we have sinned and grown old. We constantly need to be brought up short. We need to be recalibrated. We need to look at the world with refreshed eyes. So the point of the right kind of fantasy—which is what these books most certainly are—is not to tell lies about the world. The point is to confront the ever present Doldrum Lie.
Justin Taylor

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