Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Gospel Transformation

The gospel transforms us from the inside out. This is completely different than moral reformation which starts on the outside, trying to change you through will power and legalism. Paul’s message is that Jesus “GAVE HIMSELF FOR OUR SINS TO DELIVER US FROM THIS PRESENT EVIL AGE” (Gal.1:5). The gospel is once you have believed in Christ you are justified and no matter what you have done your sins can never bring you into condemnation again. You are children of Abraham, heirs of God and you have been adopted into God’s family and set-free.
The problem religious people have is that they don’t see how in the world it’s possible to tell people that God accepts them in Christ no matter what they do. In Christ they are forgiven and free and the result of knowing that will produce the kind of incentive needed to live a godly life. This is grace plus nothing. I want 200 proof grace straight up with no mixture.

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