Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Contrast Between Law And Grace

The Contrast Between Law And Grace (2 Corinthians 3:5-18)
Paul is speaking about the law in its narrowest sense referring to the Ten Commandments. Paul is contrasting the law with grace, by giving this description of the law:

1. The law is “the letter” - not “of the spirit” (v.6).
2. This “letter kills” but “The Spirit gives life” (v.6).
3. The law is “the ministry of death . . . carved in stone” accompanied by a temporary glory (v.7).
4. The “The ministry of the Spirit” has a greater permanent glory (v.8).
5. The law was “The ministry of condemnation” (v.9).
6. Grace is “The ministry of righteousness” (v.9).
7. The law was “being brought to an end” (v.11, 13).
8. Grace is “permanent” (v.11).
9. The law was a “veil” that prevented approach to the presence of God (v.14-15).
10. Under grace “When one turns to the Lord the veil is removed (v.16).

In the light of this why would any Christian want to go back under the law? Why go back under the ministry of condemnation and death? Anyone who wants to go back to the feasts, to observance of days, to dietary laws etc. does not understand the law and does not understand grace.

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