Friday, October 3, 2008

J.I Packer on Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God

"There is abroad today a widespread suspicion that a robust faith in the absolute sovereignty of God is bound to undermine any adequate sense of human responsibility.... In particular (such a faith) is thought to paralyze evangelism by robbing one both of the motive to evangelize and of the message to evangelize with....I shall try to show that this is nonsense. I shall try to show further that, as far from inhibiting evangelism, faith in the sovereignty of God's government and grace is the only thing that can sustain it, for it is the only thing that can sustain it, for it is the only thing that can give us the resilence that we need if we are to evangelize boldly and persistently, and not be daunted by temporary setbacks. So far from being weakened by this faith, therefore, evangelism will inevitably be weak and lack staying power without it.
From "Evangelisn & The sovereignty Of God" by J.I. Packer

1 comment:

  1. I need to get that book. I love Packer. I had a friend of mine who discovered reformed theology at U of M and was actively involved in personal evangelism through Campus Crusade. He totally agreed with what Packer said. Once he embraced the sovereignty of God he was able to stop worrying about whether he did everything just perfect and was able to trust God to save people despite any mistakes he might make. It actually emboldened his evangelism.

    Some friends of mine just got a job selling insurance to people laid off by GM. They said it was easy because the people already knew they needed insurance they just were going to answer their questions and get them set up with the right plan. Too many Christians act like regular insurance salesmen trying to manipulate people and woo people to buy our insurance. If God is sovereign then when we share the gospel with lost sheep (the elect) they will realize they need Christ and his salvation and our job is not to convince them but to help show them the way.
