Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Earnest Call For Evangelical Leaders to Recover the Gospel from Its Present Humiliation

Jared Wilson reprints the afterword from Ray Ortlund’s book, A Passion for God.
I’d encourage you to read the whole thing.
Ortlund ends by applying Jeremiah 4:30 to contemporary evangelicalism:
O desolate evangelicalism, what do you mean by your stylish fads and restless search for ever new “relevance”?
Why are you so insecure that you long for the world’s approving recognition? They despise everything you hold dear! “All things to all men” is no license to cater to the whims of the consumer. Christ alone is Lord. Or have you yourself forgotten his majesty?
And why are you so boastful of your numbers and dollars? How poor you really are!
Come back to the gospel.
Come back to the wellspring of true joy and life and power.
Sanctify Christ again as Lord in your hearts.
Wake up!
Strengthen what remains, for it is on the point of death. But if you will not return to the centrality of the gospel as God’s power for the church today, then what reason does your Lord have for not abandoning you altogether?

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