Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Believers Influence In The World: Light - Part 7

So far we have looked at:
The Fact - You are the light
Light's Influence - The World
The Three Fold Application of light:
Lights Position - on a hill or lampstand
Light's Nature - its a guide, it exposes
Light's Purpose - to reveal God
The Decision - let your light shine and lastly:

The Motive of Shining: “To glorify your Father in heaven”

The psalmist wrote, “Not to us o’ Lord not to us but to Your name be glory” (Psalm 115:1). We can have no higher motive than this. We are do everything for God's glory. God alone deserves glory so in order to live as a light the result of your shining must give glory to God.

I must guard my life against anything that would oppose and cut off the shining. I must shine for my heavenly Father’s praise and glory. This is what it means to bear much fruit. Jesus said "The only way in which you can bring glory to my Father is to bear much fruit, and to show yourselves to be my disciples." (John 15:8 Barclay).

Heaven is a real literal place and God is a real person. The Greek literally reads “The Father of you, the one in the heavens”. This is the Father of all who are His true children. Following is a prayer you can use to help you apply this teaching:
“Heavenly Father, give me the grace I need that will enable me to occupy my place in this world as salt and light, during these days of corruption and darkness. Keep me faithful, guard my life against all that would cause the salt to lose its flavor and all that would hinder the light from shining — so that my life give's praise, honor and glory to you, whose I am, whom I love and whom I serve, In Jesus name, Amen!

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